
Google Retains Third Party Cookies – MOW View

In response to Google’s announcement today that it is pulling back on its plan to block third party cookies as part of its Privacy Sandbox project, James Rosewell, co-founder of Movement for an Open Web, said: “This is a clear admission by Google that their plan to enclose the Open Web has failed.  Their goal was to remove the interoperability that enabled businesses to work together without interference from monopolists but a combination of regulatory and industry pressure has put paid to that.

“We’ve long called for Privacy Sandbox to be allowed to compete on its merits.  If advertisers prefer its approach, and consumers value the alleged privacy benefits, then it will be universally adopted.  What wasn’t acceptable was for a solution like this to be forced on the market whilst removing any alternative choices.

“The devil is in the detail.  Google say that they’re going to be offering consumers an informed choice.  What’s important is that this choice is truly informed, unbiased and applies equally to Google’s own properties as it does to other B2B and B2C providers. Movement for an Open Web will be writing to the CMA before 12th August to ensure this is in place before they think of letting Google off the commitments.”

“There’s nothing in the announcement that prevents Google doing this all over again in the future. Regulators will need to ensure there are legally binding commitments on Google to guarantee interoperability in perpetuity.”

“Movement for an Open Web started this process in September 2020. It’s now clear regulators are having an impact and they’re only just turning their attention to Apple and Google’s wider product range. After all, Google and Apple work as one company where Google pay Apple $20bn per year, and Apple receive 36% of search revenue. That unholy relationship needs to be unwound.”

As founder of MOW, the advocacy group that filed the original complaint with the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) that led to the project’s delay, James Rosewell is available to comment further on this significant decision. Please email us at [email protected].