Press Release

CMA announces a market investigation into mobile browsers and cloud gaming

The CMA has announced an investigation into cloud gaming and browsers following a market study published in June and consultation with industry stakeholders. 

On Tuesday, November 22nd, the CMA published a decision document outlining their case for a full market investigation. The potential remedies noted by the CMA (in paragraph 3.38) are as follows:

  • removing Apple’s restrictions on competing browser engines on iOS devices; 
  • mandating access to certain functionality for browsers (including supporting web apps);
  • requiring Apple and Google to provide equal access to functionality through APIs for rival browsers; 
  • requirements that make it more straightforward for users to change the default browser within their device settings; 
  • choice screens to overcome the distortive effects of pre-installation; and 
  • requiring Apple to remove its App Store restrictions on cloud gaming services.

MOW is drafting a response based on these remedies. 

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